Russia become's Azerbaijan's second trade partner, behind Italy

Russia is now Azerbaijan's second largest trading partner, ahead of the USA, following the release of November's trade figures.
Azerbaijan still has by far the highest trade turnover with Italy, $3.547bn, in the year to November, the State Statistics Committee reported on Monday.
Over the reporting period Russia had trade of $1.65bn.
In January to November Italy was Azerbaijan’s key export trade partner ($3.425bn or 26.02% of all exports) while the USA had $1.59 bn of exports (12.09%) and France $1.1 bn (8.38%).
Israel was in fourth position, importing $1.015m of goods from Azerbaijan (7.71%), Russia $686.03m (5.21%), Taiwan $680.39m (5.17%), Canada $507.077m (3.85%), Indonesia $505.8m (3.84%), Malaysia $387.557m (2.94%) and Georgia $364.02m (2.76%).

Russia remained Azerbaijan's leading import partner in the reporting period with Azerbaijan importing Russian goods worth $966.06m, 17.73% of all imports.

Turkey was Azerbaijan's second import partner with $791.3m (14.52%) of goods, Germany had $501.69m (9.21%), Ukraine $469.407m (8.62%) and China $410.75m (7.54%). Azerbaijan imported just $122.2m worth of goods from Italy, its key export partner.
In January to November Azerbaijan's foreign trade turnover with CIS countries totalled $3.2bn or 17.2% of all foreign trade, compared to 7.21% in 2008.

In the first 11 months of the year, Azerbaijan exported to the CIS countries commodities for $1.5 bn (31.08% of all exports) and imported goods for $1.69 bn (31.08% of all imports).

Exports to the CIS countries were mainly mineral fuel, oil, petroleum products and bitumen materials (51.41%), maritime and other vessels (10.11%), animal and vegetable oils (7.38%), fruit (6.2%) and ferrous metals (5.39%). 
Animal and vegetable oils dominated imports from the CIS (11.28%), electronic equipment (8.65%), ground transport vehicles (8.06%), equipment (7.96%) and planes (6.77%).

Azerbaijan’s foreign trade turnover with non-CIS countries totaled $15.4bn in the reporting period or 82.8% of foreign trade turnover of the country.
Trade with non-CIS countries was $1.76bn in November. In the first 11 months of the year, exports to non-CIS countries totalled $11.65bn (88.51% of all exports) and imports $3.755bn (68.92% of all imports), giving a positive balance of trade of $7.897bn.

Exports outside the CIS were mainly mineral fuel, oil and petroleum products, bitumen minerals (98.18%), polymers and polymer products (0.36%), fruit (0.23%), jewels and semi-precious stones,  precious metals, ornaments  (0.2%) and sugar and sugar products (0.19%).
Imports were mainly equipment and mechanical appliances (24.18% of all imports), electronic equipment and devices (19.45%), ground transport vehicles (9.93%) and ferrous metal goods (7.3%).

Azerbaijan exported oil products for $1.4 bn in 2009

For Jan-Nov 2009 Azerbaijan imported oil products for $49.8 million and exported for $1.4 bn.
For Jan-Nov 2009 Azerbaijan imported 55,948 tons of petroleum products for $49.837 million versus 78,855 tons for $96.78 million in 2008. This November import totaled 2,385 tons for $3.36 million against 2,455 tons for $2.38 million in October, 1,777 tons for $1.95 million in September, 8,476 tons for $6.58 million in August, 11.192 million tons for $6.772 million in June and 3.689 million tons for $3.397 million in May.

The State Customs Committee has informed for Jan-Nov 2009 the share of oil products in country’s overall import made only 0.91%.

For Jan-Nov 2009, as well as in 2008, Azerbaijan did not import oil gas and other gas hydrocarbons, while their import in 2007 reached 470.118 million cu m for $52.086 bn (0.91% of 2007 overall import).

For Jan-Nov 2009 export of oil products from Azerbaijan totaled 2.88 million tons for $1.36 bn (10.35% of country’s overall export with 30.54% decline versus Jan-Nov 2008). The past year’s export of oil products from Azerbaijan totaled 2.847 million tons for $2.05 bn, and for November 2009 – 179,171 tons for $97.119 bn.

For Jan-Nov 2009 it was exported 2.09 million tons of petroleum products for $879.37 million in freely convertible currency in accordance with the contracts versus 2.8 million tons of petroleum products for $2.02 bn in 2008.

For Jan-Nov of the year sales in accord with contracts in national currency totaled 767,580 tons for $471.475 million, and registration for export in accord with conventional declarations was passed by 128,546 tons versus 37.505 tons for $31.668 million for the 2008 same term.

For Jan-Nov 2009 the SOCAR Department of Marketing & Economic Operations exported 1.916 million tons (66,53%) of petroleum products, Department AZAL Oil CJSC of Azerbaijani Airlines AZAL 767,580 tons (26.64%), oil-processing plant Azneftyag 114,259 tons (3.97%), and Ilqar Firm 50,916 tons (1.77%).

In 2008, the SOCAR Department of Marketing & Economic Operations exported 2.47 million tons (86.89%) of petroleum products, QKSSS LLC 98,274 tons (3.45%), Azneftyag 92,333 tons (3.24%), Caspian Petrol-1 69,210 tons (2.43%).

For Jan-Nov 2009 foreign trade turnover of Azerbaijan totaled $18.614 bn, including import of $5.448 million and export of $13.165 bn.

Azerbaijani foreign trade turnover exceeded $18.6 bn in 2009

For Jan-Nov 2009 country’s foreign trade turnover reached $18.6 bn versus $54.9 bn for 2008.
This November the figure totaled $2.096 bn against $2.16 bn in October.

The State Customs Committee (SCC) informs that between January and November of 2009 Azerbaijan exported commodities of 935 names in the amount of $13.165 bn (-71.97% or $33.807 bn versus Jan-Nov 2008) against $47.756 bn in 2008 and imported goods of 4,801 names in the amount of $5.448 bn (-16.17% or $1.05 bn versus Jan-Nov 2008) against $7.16 bn in 2008.

Positive balance on import and export operations amounted to $7.716 bn against $40.59 bn for 2008.

In 2009, the biggest export was registered in October ($1.568 bn) and the least export in January ($694.489 million) with average monthly growth of export by $91.056 million. The largest import was registered in October ($579.539 million) and the least one in March ($395.8 million) with average monthly fall of $2.506 million.

This November export operations dropped by $36.4 million versus October and import operations by $90.827 million.

For Jan-Nov 2009 Azerbaijan’s resident and non-residents conducted trade operations with 138 countries of the world. Foreign trade operations involved totally 8,753 legal entities and individuals (3,938 and 4,815 respectively).

The share of state sector in export operations made up 93.5% or $12.309 bn, private sector - 5.4% or $715.156 million, individuals 1.07% or $140.46 million.

The share of state sector in import operations made up 32.63% ($1.78 bn), private sector 62.51% ($3.406 bn) and individuals 4.86% or $264.8 million.

AZƏRBAYCAN RESPUBLİKASININ GÖMRÜK MƏCƏLLƏSİndə Malların İxracı Rejimi ilə əlaqəli maddələr

14-cü fəsil

Maddə 96. Gömrük rejiminin məzmunu

Malların ixracı — malların Azərbaycan Respublikasının gömrük ərazisindən bu əraziyə qaytarılmaq haqqında öhdəlik götürülmədən aparılmasından ibarət gömrük rejimidir.

Maddə 97. Malların ixracı zamanı qoyulan tələblər

Malların ixracı, ixrac gömrük rüsumlarına, vergilərinə, digər gömrük ödənişlərinə əməl olunması, iqtisadi siyasət tədbirlərinə riayət edilməsi, bu Məcəllədə və gömrük işi sahəsində Azərbaycan Respublikasının digər qanunvericilik aktlarında nəzərdə tutulan tələblərin yerinə yetirilməsi şərtilə həyata keçirilir.
Azərbaycan Respublikasının vergi qanunvericiliyinə uyğun olaraq ixrac zamanı mallar vergidən azad edilə və ya ödənilən vergi məbləğləri qaytarıla bilər.

Maddə 98. İxrac gömrük rejimində malların buraxılışı

Təbii aşınma nəticəsində dəyişikliklər və ya normal şəraitdə daşınma və saxlanc itkiləri istisna edilməklə, ixrac gömrük rejimi ilə buraxılan mallar Azərbaycan Respublikasının gömrük ərazisindən kənara çıxarılarkən gömrük bəyannaməsinin qəbul edildiyi andakı vəziyyətdə olmalıdır.

Azerbaijan and World Bank sign agreements on rail mega project

Azerbaijan and the World Bank have accomplished renewal of the draft agreement on Rail Trade and Transport Facilitation Project.

The Azerbaijani government and the World Bank (WB) have accomplished renewal of the draft agreement on Rail Trade and Transport Facilitation Project in connection with transformation of Azerbaijan State Railway Company (Azeri acronym: ADDY) into Azerbaijani Railway CJSC (ADY).

The Baku-based WB resident office reports that today the Azerbaijani government has been submitted an updated version of the draft agreements within the project.

“The renewal touched confirmation of ADY status and change of the implementation dates indicated in the draft agreements,” the WB office emphasized.

Earlier finance minister Samir Sharifov was authorized for signing of a loan agreement with WB and transport minister Ziya Mammadov for signing of project agreement.

"Gerald Olivier supervising the project is to visit Baku from 13 to 17 December. We hope that the package of agreements will be signed in the course of his Baku visit,” the WB office said.

In spring 2008 the WBG Board of Directors endorsed a $450 million loan for Rail Trade and Transport Facilitation Project that has become the WBG biggest one since 1995 when WBG opened financing for Azerbaijan. The loan will be disbursed through International Bank of Reconstruction & Development (IBRD) for 17-year period with 4-year grace term.

The project targets to improve railway services in Azerbaijan, as well as the competitiveness, financial sustainability, operating and cost efficiency and capacity of ADDY. The project with $795 million budget was focused on development of corridor toward to Georgia. 90% of the budget will be directed for transport and 10% for industry and trade.

In spring 2008 ADDY chief engineer Gurban Nazirov said that ADDY intended to upgrade its locomotive fleet and replace equipment fully in this line by buying 50 locomotives as the project stipulates transfer to alternating current when supplying power for Baku – Beyuk Kesik railway line.

Alternating current will allow increase of speed of trains.

Population incomes increase in Azerbaijan

Incomes of the Azerbaijani population made 18 bn AZN within 10 months of this year which is a 7.8% growth over the same period of this year.
According to the State Statistical Committee, in 10 months of 2009 the incomes of the population made 16.5 bn AZN. In this period GDP made 34.4 bn AZN which means that the incomes of the population made 48% of the gross domestic product.

Azerbaijan leads CIS on GDP and industrial output

Azerbaijan recorded the highest GDP of the CIS countries in January to October this year, 8.2%.

The figures were announced by the CIS Interstate Statistics Committee.
Uzbekistan had the next highest GDP in the reporting period, 8%, followed by Kyrgyzstan, 3.2% and Tajikistan, 2.9%.
In the first 10 months of the year, GDP in the CIS countries fell 9% overall in comparison with the same period last year. Armenia had the highest fall, around 17.5 percent, while GDP fell 15.9% in Ukraine and 9.6% in Russia.
Azerbaijan is the only CIS country to have achieved growth in industrial production. In January to October industrial output increased 7.4% compared with the same period in 2008.
During the reporting period, industrial output in Moldova fell 24.1%, Kyrgyzstan – 13.9%, Russia – for 13.3%, Armenia – 11.4%, Tajikistan – 8.6%, Belarus – 4.5% and Kazakhstan 0.2%.

Azerbaijan predicts growth in cargo transportation

Azerbaijan predicts 28% growth in cargo transportations for 2014 up to 249.3 mln tons, as compared to the expected indicator for 2009.

Under the forecasts, cargo transportations will make 193.9 mln tons in 2009, 209.6 mln tons in 2010, 223 mln tons in 2011, 233 mln tons in 2012.

The highest volume of cargo will be transported by cars in 2010-2013.

In particular, according to forecasts, transportations by cars will reach 129.7 mln tons in 2013 (36.5% growth, as compared to the indicator expected for 2009).

Railway transportations in 2013 will make 30 mln tons (25% growth), sea transportation will equal 15.4 mln (16.6% growth) and air transportations will amount to 0.07 mln (2.3 times). The volume of transportations via pipelines in 2013 must reach 74.2 mln tons (20.2% growth).

At the same time, oil transportation via BTC pipeline in 2013 is predicted at 40.9 mln tons (12.9% growth) in 2013. In 2010 the BTC pipeline will transport 40.2 mln tons of oil, in 2011-42.4 mln tons and in 2013-38.1 mln tons.

Shipping volume increased by 14,6 percent

Shipping volume in January-October 2009 has increased by 14,6 percent and reached 11,1 million tons, the State Stats Committee said.
Three-fourth of ship freight was oil products, while one-fourth was dry cargo. All goods were transported abroad. In the mentioned period, marine transportation cargo turnover has increased by 6,4 percent and made up 268,4 bln ton-km.
Baku International Sea Trade Port has realized loading-unloading operations of 4,3 mln tons. Currently, the remained export goods in the Port make 2,1 times less than that of the same period of previous year.

Russia interested in privatization of Azerbaijani telecommunication operators

Russia's Rostelecom and Sistema have expressed interest in bidding for the privatization of the two state-run telecommunication operators of Azertelekom and Bakı Telefon Rabitesi in Azerbaijan.

Rostelecom plans to construct a backbone network in the CIS (former USSR) countries and intends to acquire any operators that meet its requirements.

Systema is expected to confirm its intention after the target companies announce their privatization terms and conditions.

Azerbaijan’s Minister of Communications and Information Technologies Ali Abbasov said on the sidelines of the RCC meeting in Minsk that the two above-mentioned operators will be privatized next year.

The both companies are wholly state-owned, and valuations thereof are still ongoing.